Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Some Pointers for Motorcyclists

A MOTORCYCLE is extremely vulnerable on the road. One of the factors that expose you more to dangers is that you do not enjoy the protection of a seat belt - a crucial element in preventing serious injury in the event of collisions. So, as a motorcyclist you have to be even more careful.

Here are some things you need to know before taking to the road on your bike:

Watch the Speed

Of all vehicles, motorcycles accelerate the fastest, while heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses the slowest. Be constantly aware of your speed, especially when you see trucks, and when you ride in bad weather and at night. Many a motorcyclist has ridden into the back of a truck. You must also be aware that motorcycles provide virtually no protection in a crash. Other drivers also may not see you on your bike. You must be aware of everything going on around you. Pay constant attention to the signals and brake lights of other vehicles, especially trucks.

The Helmet is a Must

Your helmet is your best protection in a serious crash. So, make it a habit to wear one always. Also ensure that it is of the right type and quality as far as safety standards are concerned.

Inspect Your Motorcycle

Do a safety check of your motorcycle every time you ride. Wear protective gear such as gloves, boots and a jacket. Protective clothing can help reduce the severity of your injury if you are knocked off your bike.

Watch Your Riding Habits

Avoid the bad habit of zigzagging among other vehicles. You cannot always predict what other motorists may suddenly do. Even a slight bump, can throw you off your bike. Never ride in the blind spots ­ on the sides, the front and the back ­ of heavy vehicles such as trucks. Truck drivers cannot see you when you ride in these blind spots. Apart from not riding between lanes, also don’t share a lane with another vehicle. As a motorcyclist you need to learn to ride not only with caution but also defensively.

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