Monday, July 16, 2007


What to do in case of an Accident. (Licence2Drive ~ Learners Licence Guide)

  1. Stop your vehicle immediately.
  2. Determine the extent of the injuries, if there are any, and assist the injured person(s).
  3. Determine what the damage is.
  4. Provide the following info;
    1. Your name,
    2. Address,
    3. Owner of the vehicles name and address and
    4. The vehicles’ registration number.
  5. The accident must be reported to the police within 24 hours.
  6. If anyone was injured or killed in an accident in an urban area, the police
    must be summoned immediately.
  7. The vehicles involved in the accident may only be moved if they are
    creating an obstruction and their position has been clearly marked on the

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